Exhibitions & Events
Exhibition: Hermannsburg Artists – 75th Anniversary Opening Friday 30 August
75 years later, three generations of watercolour artists have emerged from the original Hermannsburg group, and the tradition remains vibrant and strong. Artists currently working in the tradition include Kevin Namatjira, Elton Wirri, Douglas Kwarlpe, Peter Tjutjatjata, Ivy Pareroultja, Lenie Namatjira, and Hilary Wirri as well as the deceased Kwementyaye Namatjira Jnr and Kwementyaye Katakarinja who are recognised as leading contemporary landscape artists.
Hermannsburg Artists – 75th Anniversary at Japingka Gallery – Perth
Opening 6.30 pm Friday 30 August
Elton Wirri – Petermann Ranges, NT, 36 x 54 cm Watarcolour on paper
Tali Gallery – curating a watercolour exhibition at the Sydney Customs House Library
A reminder for Sydney folk to get along to the Customs House Library, Level 1, in Sydney during NAIDOC celebrations. Ngurratjuta artists will be exhibiting their works there for the duration of NAIDOC events 1st – 31st August, and on the 10th of July a special evening with Di Stevens from Tali Gallery as she discusses Ngurratjuta Many Hands, and the watercolour tradition of Albert Namatjira’s descendants that continues at Ngurratjuta.
Wed 10th July
Customs House Library
Painting below: West MacDonnell Ranges by Douglas Abbott, 36 x 54 cm, watercolours on paper.
Johannes Katakarinja’s last work – Simpsons Gap
johannes Katakarinja’s last work, ‘Simpsons Gap’ will be featured at Paul Johnstone Gallery in Darwin.
Johannes Katakarinja was born at Hermannsburg in 1956 and he is the son of Yvonne Williams and Ambrose Katakarinja. From age 13 Johannes learnt to paint like his grandfathers and uncles. His mentor was his grandfather Walter Ebatarinja who he would meet at Palm Valley to paint with. Johannas has also painted the Murial at Hermansburg Finke River Mission Store. The Name “Katakarinja” is the aboriginal name for Mt Zeil. Sadly Johannes passed away recently.
Paul Johnstone Gallery will present a tribute to Johannes Katakarinja in the June exhibition. The work ‘Simpsons Gap’ is the last work that Johannes Katakarinja painted.
Gallery opening: Friday 14th of June 6-8pm
PJ Gallery Ngurratjuta Catalogue 2013.pdf
Watercolour exhibition at Paul Johnstone Gallery – June 14
Throughout June the Paul Johnstone Gallery in Darwin NT will be hosting an exhibition of the Hermannsburg School of Watercolours, following in the tradition of the great Albert Namatjira. Featuring prominently in this exhibition will be the late Johannes Katakarinja. Ngurratjuta would like to commemorate this celebrated artist by showcasing some of his works alongside other artists as Peter Taylor, Gloria Pannka, Douglas Abbott and Lenie Namatjira. The exhibition will also feature Albert’s contemporary Claude Pannka as well as his sons Oscar and Ewald Namatjira. The exhibition will open Friday 14th June 6-8pm and will run until 6th July.
Watercolour Exhibition at the Customs House Library – Sydney 1–31 July
From left to right: Albert Namatjira Jnr, West MacDonnell Ranges, NT, 17 x 54 cm
Elton Wirri, West MacDonnell Ranges, NT, 36 x 54 cm
Ngurratjuta watercolour artists will exhibit their works in the Customs House Library in Sydney during the NAIDOC events.
Exhibition runs 1-31 July.
New exhibition at Talapi gallery Alice Springs – 17 May to 28 June
Kwarte – Watercolours from Western Arrernte Artists from Ngurratjuta Iltja Ntjarra. The exhibition will feature new works by Gloria Pannka, Mervyn Rubuntja, Lenie Namatjira and more.