Month: May 2012
Ngurratjuta artists learning screen printing skills
Exhibition at Talapi – Opening Friday 18 May @ 6pm
Talapi gallery in Alice Springs will be holding a watercolour exhibition accompanying the Namatjira theatre performance which will be held in Araluen on Saturday 19th of May.
The Namatjira play and a Watercolour Masterclass in Alice
Watercolourist Douglas Kwarlpe Abbott is also an excellent guitar player!
The third of four video interviews conducted for the 2012 Next Wave project Impossible Plays. Impossible Plays is a performance/ video project that performs the fantasies of strangers. This video is an excerpt of one of the interviews on which the performance is based. The interview is between Douglas Abbot, an Southern Arente watercolour artist and Impossible Plays writer/ director Alice Williams. The video was recorded in collaboration with video artist Chloe Hughes and edited in collaboration with Sasha Cohen.