Hahndorf Academy-private viewing in SA
Jun 01, 2020 in Diverse News, Exhibitions & Events

Namatjira descendants revisiting Hahndorf – 52 years on
March 18 – July 27, 2020, Hahndorf Academy, SA
This exhibition of works by Western Aranda watercolourists associated with Ntaria (Hermannsburg) pays tribute to the enduring legacy of famed artist Albert Namatjira. For Western culture, the language of land tends to be based in commerce and resources, but for First Nations peoples around the globe, the basis of land language is emotive, connective and generational. This exhibition presented by Iltja Ntarra (Many Hands) Art Centre from Mparntwe (Alice Springs) at the Hahndorf Academy evokes a strong message of – our Family, our Country, our Legacy – as well as generational connection. Here is the heart story of land language from the Western Aranda people and in particular the descendants and kin of Albert Namatjira.
Works from this exhibition are now available for sale through the Hahndorf Academy Website and for private viewing. please contact Rachel: rachel@hahndorfacademy.org.au to arrange a viewing.
Iltja Ntarra (Many Hands) Art Centre is the home of The Hermannsburg Watercolour Art School. This Art School is proud to exhibit at the Hahndorf Academy in 2020, for the second time in history. Dudley Burns, who lived and worked in Alice Springs during the second World War compiled lists of many Hermannsburg Watercolour Art Exhibitions and noted a mixed exhibition held at Hahndorf Gallery in 1968. This exhibition was organised independently by a gentleman by the name of Mr Gordon Simpson, who worked at the Postmaster-General’s Department from 1939 for a period of 15 years. It is believed that the 1968 Hahndorf exhibition was of Gordon Simpson’s collection, bought while he was a resident in Alice Springs. During those years, Rex Battarbee, Namatjira’s mentor and friend, used to place paintings by The Hermannsburg Watercolour Art School on display outside Griffiths House in Alice Springs on a Friday evening. Alice Springs was quite small then and interested people would enjoy viewing the paintings which were for sale. Gordon successfully bought some of the paintings at this time.
Namatjira descendants revisiting Hahndorf – 52 years on is an exhibition drawn from artists of Iltja Ntjarra (Many Hands) Art Centre who continue this long-lasting painting tradition. The exhibition features 52 recent landscape watercolours by practising artists from The Hermannsburg Watercolour Art School. It charts the innovation and ingenuity of artists across several generations, inspired by both their heritage but also creating work that reflects both their culture and contemporary life.
We are proud our fathers were a part of the original Hermannsburg Watercolour Movement and now, generations on we are still painting together, carrying on this same tradition. – Gloria Pannka
Sources: parts of this text were generously provided by Gayle Quarmby and Ruth Ellis.